Because your headline is the first thing someone sees when looking at your webpage you need to place your main keyword inside it and make it entice the reader to want to see more of your page. Your headline is also very important to the search engines for ranking your page.
Search engines will give more weight to the keywords in your headlines than in the content of your page. This is why you should use the h1 and h2 tags when creating your headlines to let them know what they are. Remember that you can place more than one headline on your page especially when starting a new series of paragraphs detailing a related thought or explanation to the previous content. However, you can only have one h1 on your page so use the h2 or h3 tags for the second or third headlines to increase your page's importance.
When trying to think of a great headline to use keep in mind that some search engines will take the first headline of your page along with a couple of sentences to use as the description that searchers see in their search results. Therefore when constructing a headline start with a two or three sentence description and take the first 40-70 characters to use for the actual headline and use the remaining text to use as the starting paragraph in your page body content. Don't forget to place your important keyword(s) in the first 40 characters of your headline. If you are going to use numbers in your headline such as "7 Tips to Better Seo" always use odd numbers as studies have demonstrated 20% better results than even numbers for click thru rates.
Your headline should be kept to a maximum of 70 characters for social media for the simple reasons that it is easier to retweet or repost and a short link for the authors (you) recognition. A well written headline will garnish more likes, links, shares and retweets to improve your ranking based on these social signals.
Another successful technique is to use power words based on anger, curiosity, enthusiasm, fear, greed, lust and safety. Words like (anger) disgusting, ruthless, (curiosity) secrets, forbidden, (enthusiasm) amazing, sensational, (fear) beware, vulnerable, (greed) bargain, profit, (lust) exposed, scandalous, (safety) authentic and guaranteed will draw the searcher into your page by targeting their emotions. Here is an excellent site for more information on power words.
If you follow all of the tips above to help you create a better headline for your page you will improve your staus in search engine optimization with most search engines. Some of the better bloggers and writers will leave their headline(s) until after they complete the article or page to get a better understanding of what the headline should be. So you see your headline is one of the most important steps in optimizing your web page.
Talk to you later.
How Important is Your Headline to SEO